du rallye du pays cathare

du rallye du pays cathare Griffon fauve de Bretagne

Griffon fauve de Bretagne

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Félicitation pour se site . De beaux et bon chiens ! Ont sent la passion du chasseur de sanglier et de ses chiens .



Hello, nice to see your beautiful dogs, I have searched breeders on the net for France, I have found you. I took in the 2003 race from France and it is a wonderful breed very nice home and hunting in the forest we hunt wild boar, elk, deer, foxes, badgers with our dogs. We also participate on a show with them and has several best of breed in Sweden and Finland, Denmark, Norway with the different dogs. My husband and I have been breeding of Newfoundland and Griffon Fauve de Bretagne in Sweden please visit our website, www.ulligarden.com

18/03/2012 - B Wall


Congratulations on your beautiful page with very nice dogs, my husband and I breed Griffon fauve de bretagne in Sweden since 2003 when we bought our first in France, a wonderful breed that is an excellent hunter and a very nice dog. Please visit our web site www.ulligarden.com Sincerely, Bridget and Jan Wall
